Coffee accounts are one of the most essential elements in this modern life and has taken the second place commodity after oil. Coffee shops (both locals and non-locals) are found almost everywhere in Kuala Lumpur. However, the foreign coffee is winning the market over the local coffee shops. This research is done with the purpose of carefully investigating the antecedents of coffee shop customers’ behavioral intentions in Kuala Lumpur. In addition, factors allow modern coffee shops to attract their customer more than the traditional coffee outlets are also examined. The result of this study is extremely essential to coffee shop operators and staffs, especially for the local traditional coffee shops. Traditional coffee shops can enhance their services by understanding customers’ satisfaction needs. They can retain more customers once they are able to understand the need of their customers and reduce cost of attracting new customers.
After detailed theoretical discussion about the effect of service quality, price acceptance, trust and customer satisfaction on behavioral intentions, a quantitative research is conducted to test proposed effects. A survey approach is used by employing questionnaire in this study and multiple items were used from the previous studies. IBM Statistical Package (SPSS) version22 was employed to analyze the data. The result of this study showed that there is significant positive relationship between the dependent variables and the independent variables. All constructs were found to have direct impact on customer’s behavioral intention. However, tangibles and empathy, which are the two dimensions of service quality has negative but direct impact.
SERVQUAL, Customer Satisfaction, Price Acceptance, Behavioral IntentionDownloads
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