
  • Salah M. M. Dagnoush City Graduate School, City University, Malaysia
  • Gamal S. A. Khalifa Faculty of Business, Women Campus, Higher Colleges of Technology, Al-Ain, UAE



The object of this study is to examine the relationship between effort expectancy and behavioral intention to use m-commerce in the Libyan context. It also aimed to determine the effect of effort expectancy on users’ behavioral intention. Using data from 310 respondents, the model of this study is supported by Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT). The findings of the study suggested that there is a positive relationship between users’ effort expectancy and users’ behavioral intention. The findings also proposed that effort expectancy has a positive influence on user's behavioral intention to use m-commerce in the Libyan context. This study contributes to the body knowledge on m-commerce usage while also providing practical guidance for the Libyan government on how to improve user usage of m-commerce systems. Particularly, it confirms that the user's effort expectancy increases the user's behavioral intention in the Libyan context.


UTAUT, Libya, Effort Expectancy, Behavioral Intention


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How to Cite

Salah M. M. Dagnoush, & Gamal S. A. Khalifa. (2021). THE EFFECT OF USERS’ EFFORT EXPECTANCY ON USERS’ BEHAVIORAL INTENTION TO USE M-COMMERCE APPLICATIONS: CASE STUDY IN LIBYA. International Journal on Recent Trends in Business and Tourism (IJRTBT), 5(4), 1-7.


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