This research aimed to analyze the influence of independent variables, namely Islamic attributes of destination (worship facilities, halalness, and general Islamic morality) and security guarantee, on the decision to visit Jakarta among Saudi Arabians with tourism destination image serving as a mediator variable. The research data were obtained from 200 respondents who completed the administered questionnaires and visited Jakarta. The analysis was carried out using the SEM technique with AMOS. The results show that there was a significant impact of Islamic attributes of destination and security guarantee on the decision to visit Jakarta with tourism destination image as a mediator. In conclusion, the government must oblige all building owners to provide space for Muslims to worship, this place of worship must be available at malls, hotels, public spaces and etc. This research certainly has several limitations. Therefore, a qualitative approach can also be applied for future researchers to see differences with the results of this study.
Worship Facilities, Halalness, General Islamic Morality, Security, Tourism Destination ImageDownloads
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