ITRM can simply be defined as the process of identifying, evaluating, selecting, and implementing actions to reduce risk for guests and hotel assets. The goal of risk management represented in integrating actions that reduce or prevent information risks while taking into consideration ethical, political, social, cultural, and legal side. Information technology has become an essential part of hotel operations. Therefore, the need for obtaining information risk management is emerging. It is difficult to imagine a hotel operating and competing on the market without this process, for both customers and merchants, they bring threats of information vulnerability and security breaches at the same time. The study investigates the antecedents of hotel ITRM adoption and how this affects the hotel market share. The study used a questionnaire to collect data from 257 hotel employees to perceive their opinions on the Egyptian hotel ITRM adoption. It has employed structural equation modelling to measure the effect of the antecedents of hotel ITRM and its effect on hotel market share. The study has revealed very useful results in the way it evaluated employees’ perceptions of hotel ITRM adoption and depicted the factors that hotels have succeeded to offer to support ITRM and attract customers to increase their market share.
Information Technology, Risk Management, Information Technology Risk Management, HotelsDownloads
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