Published by
Lincoln University College, Malaysia
Malaysian Journal of Medical Research (MJMR) is an international, peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary, quarterly, journal published by Lincoln University College, Asia Pacific Higher Learning Sdn Bhd. MJMR provides an opening for research scientists in areas of Health Sciences.
MJMR is an open access, online, double blind peer reviewed international journal with a primary objective to provide research and applications related to all the health sciences in the fields of Medicine, Biology, Dentistry, Medical Education, Physiotherapy, Pharmacy, and Nursing. Our objective is to encourage new research ideas and promote practical application from the research findings. The journal publishes original research, review articles, case reports of such high quality as to attract contributions from the relevant international communities.
1. Anatomy 2. Physiology 3. Bio-chemistry 4. Pathology 5. Microbiology 6. Forensic Medicine 7. Medicine 8. Surgery 9. Pediatric 10. Obstetrics 11. Gynecology 12. Ophthalmology 13. ENT 14. Orthopedics 15. Community medicine 16. Public health and other field associated with medicines
The Malaysian Journal of Nursing (MJN) is Malaysia’s leading and only broadcasting journal catering to a large readership. The journal is published by Asia Pacific Higher Learning Sdn Bhd. The MJN is a fully refereed periodical for significant professionals who are dedicated in discovering, understanding and distributing nursing knowledge with a sound scientific, theoretical or philosophical base. The journal seeks to advance the quality of research by publishing original work about health care delivery, organisation, management, workforce, policy and research methods relevant to nursing, midwifery and other health related professions. MJN recommends an international intervention that seeks to improve reliability and value of research literature in health care. The journal purpose is to illuminate the knowledge base of nursing and improve patient safety by evolving and circulating core concepts of nursing practice, representing them within nursing diagnoses and standardized nursing languages, and promoting their clinical use. MJN accepts papers which contribute significantly to international nursing knowledge including concept analyses, original research, review articles, historical perspectives, clinical cases and challenges, and education, informatics and policy initiatives that advances the international understanding and development of nursing both as a profession and academic discipline. The mission of MJN is to promote excellence in nursing, for the wellbeing of the health care community and the public. It is a Double-blind peer reviewed quarterly journal published in January, April, July and October.
Archival Policy: All the published articles are sent to National Library, Malaysia. The journal is indexed in Malaysian Citation Centre, MyJurnal.
International Journal on Recent Trends in Business and Tourism (IJRTBT) Online ISSN: 2550-1526 is an international, peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary, quarterly, scholarly, refereed journal published by Lincoln University College, Asia Pacific Higher Learning Sdn Bhd. IJRTBT publishes articles in the areas of Management, Business, Tourism and Hospitality.
The main principle of the International Journal on Recent Trends in Business and Tourism (IJRTBT) is to publish scholarly research articles in the fields of Management, Business and Tourism. The journal publishes papers of significant interest that contribute to the theoretical basis of business, management and tourism and hospitality studies. The International Journal on Recent Trends in Business and Tourism possesses broad scope. The journal caters development of editorial policies to create reachable, thought-provoking content for the general academic business community. IJRTBT values systematic reviews, original papers, and peer-reviewed research on all aspects of Management, Business and Tourism.
1. General Management 2. Strategy 3. Business and Marketing 4. Executive Management 5. Organization Studies 6. Human Resources Management 7. Crisis Management 8. National Resources Management 9. Information Technology 10. Advertising 11. Operation Research 12. Accounting 13. Finance 14. Stock Market analysis 15. Project Management 16. Supply Chain Management 17. Health Care Management 18. Tourism and Hospitality
International Journal of Management and Human Sciences (IJMHS) (e-ISSN: 2590-3748) is a scholarly, referred, bi-annual (from 2021 onwards), peer-reviewed publication. The journal is published by Lincoln University College, Malaysia.
International Journal of Management and Human Sciences (IJMHS) is a scientific journal seeks to be a scientific Gate intellectual, in an effort to disseminate science and knowledge and the sharing of ideas among scientists around the world in the field of management in particular, areas of administration, business and human sciences in general.
IJMHS is an open access journal. All the processes (Submission, Review Process, Acceptance and Publication) are free. Full texts are free to download.
The main principle of the International Journal of Emergent Issues of Social Science, Arts, and Humanities (IJEISSAH) is to publish scholarly research articles in the fields of Social Science, Arts, and Humanities. The journal publishes papers of significant interest that contribute to the theoretical basis of social science and educational studies. IJEISSAH possesses broad scope. The journal caters development of editorial policies to create reachable, thought-provoking content for the general Educational and social science and Humanities community. The Journal values systematic reviews, original papers, and peer-reviewed research on all aspects of Social Science, Arts, and Humanities.
IJEISSAH is open access Journal. Full Texts are freely available online for download.
Currently there is no article submission charges. However, soon, there will be Article Processing Charges (APC) after the selection of the article for publication.
Topics of interest to IJEISSAH readers include:
1. Anthropology 2. Archaeology 3. Communication Studies 4. Cultural and Ethnic Studies 5. Economics 6. Education 7. English Studies 8. Geography 9. History 10.Human 11.Information Science 12.International Relations 13.Law 14.Literature 15.Linguistics 16.Management 17.Media Studies 18.Performing Arts ( i. e. Dance, Theatre, and Music) 19.Philosophy 20.Political Science 21.Psychology 22.Sociology & Social Work 23.Visual Arts 24.Women and Gender Studies
International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR) is a multidisciplinary, quarterly, intellectual, reputed journal published by Lincoln University College, Asia Pacific Higher Learning Sdn Bhd. This journal focuses on General Sciences and Engineering.
International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR) aims to publishing peer-reviewed research papers provided broad coverage on expert reviews, Analysis, Validation and results in the recent developments which caters to current industrial revolution, design, construction, and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment real time problems evolving in rapidly expanding fields. Also it provides a platform for research scholars, industrial partners, academicians to address the recent technological advancements, theoretical and practical solutions to the societal and industrial problems, broadly defined ideas to the scientific community in the field of Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics, Aeronautics and Aerospace Engineering.
International Journal of Food, Drug and Cosmetics is a Quarterly multidisciplinary open access journal. IJFDC is an international medium of interaction between scientist, academicians and industrial personnel’s. IJFDC is an official publication of Faculty of Pharmacy, Lincoln University College, Malaysia.
The Editors welcome articles in this multidisciplinary field, ranging from Drug Development to Drug Discovery, novel works dealing with food processing, design, storage and distribution, including effects on product’s safety and quality, and food chain sustainability. IJFDC also embraces all aspects of cosmetic medicine-cosmetic medical and surgical treatment, cosmetic material and device, cosmetic business, cosmetic medical policy, and cosmetic educational system based on the concept of beauty and anti-aging.
1. Additives and toxins in food 2. Chemical analysis of food 3. Effect of the use of agrochemicals in foods 4. Food engineering and technology 5. Food microbiology and biotechnology 6. Quality control in food 7. Novel & Targeted Drug Delivery 8. Nanotechnology & nanomedicine 9. Pharmaceutical chemistry 10. Pharmacognosy & Ethnobotany 11. Pharmacology & Toxicology 12. Pharmaceutical Biotechnology & Microbiology 13. Pharmacy practice & Hospital Pharmacy 14. Materials and ingredient research related to cosmetics 15. Therapeutic options for skin, hair and body care 16. Product formulations and ingredients 17. Cosmetic olfactory research developments 18. Technologies in cosmetic product development 19. Testing of skin and hair products 20. Toxicological studies of cosmetic products.
The International Journal of Biotechnology and Biomedicine (IJBB) is a Quarterly multidisciplinary open-access journal and an international medium of interaction between scientists, academicians, and industrial players. IJBB is an official publication of Lincoln University College.
The Editors welcome articles in this multidisciplinary field, ranging from Molecular Biology and Biotechnology to Plant and Animal Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Food Sciences, Marine Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Biochemistry and Microbiology,. IJBB also embraces all aspects of Bioinformatics and Image Processing, Genetics, and Natural Product and Alternative Medicine research.