Exploring Factors Impacting Organizational Adaptation Capacity of Punjab Agriculture & Meat Company (PAMCO)





Background: Worldwide organizations face various risks, and the key to sustainability is adaptive capacity linked to resilience. The study is part of the Ph.D. thesis for the capacity assessment of PAMCO under environmental factors. PAMCO, a government entity, is mandated to establish modern Halal meat processing & value addition facilities under the global quality compliance regime and institute a service delivery platform to promote commercial meat production, processing, value addition, and marketing mechanism. Aim: This study explored factors influencing PAMCO’s adaptation capacity to respond to disruptions. Methods: A study on PAMCO’s organizational resilience has been performed using a mixed-method approach. The corporate and financial records of the organizations have been reviewed critically, and the issues highlighted have been discussed with the senior management to finalize the findings. Sample: Thirty respondents were selected using the non-probabilistic purposive sampling method comprising management officials from different cadres. Results: The results display that several variables positively impact adaptation capacity directly and indirectly through mediation and serial mediation. The hypotheses’ results supported the hypothesized model. Conclusion: The study highlighted the importance of leadership and vision sharing along with the need for establishing a risk management culture within the organization, where risk management is seen as a shared responsibility in developing the organization’s adaptive capacity.


Risk, Organizational Resilience, Sustainability;, Adaptation Capacity, Leadership


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How to Cite

Afshar, M. Z. (2023). Exploring Factors Impacting Organizational Adaptation Capacity of Punjab Agriculture & Meat Company (PAMCO). International Journal of Emerging Issues in Social Science, Arts and Humanities ( IJEISSAH), 2(1), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.60072/ijeissah.2023.v2i01.001