Exploring the Star Children Pre-School Teachers’ Perception on School Homework in Bandar Utama





For countless students, school homework represents an appalling nightmare of immense proportions. Honestly, school homework should be able to do more creative things are not a forced homework. However, homework has been generally viewed as a positive practice and a perennial topic of debate in Early Childhood Education in Malaysia. This study technically focuses on the Star Children House teachers’ perception on school homework in Bandar Utama. This is a qualitative method which involving focus group interview with pre-school teachers. This qualitative research study is based on focus group study to explore the pre-school teachers ‘perception on school homework. The sample was selected via purposive sampling among pre-school teachers. The data was analyzed using one-to-one interview session and thematic analysis. The findings showed that majority pre-school teachers prefer to assign homework as it promotes learning skills in children. Moreover, the pre-school teachers do believe that homework promotes greater self-discipline. In fact, many pre-school teachers do acknowledge that homework can foster a greater parental demonstration of interest in student’s academic progress thus providing rewards allows completion of homework. Not only that, but majority pre-school teachers also expressed that excessive homework causes invulnerable health issues. Pre-school teachers have their own ideas about homework which mostly they tend to perceive greater benefits in implementing it.


Pre-school Teachers, Perception, Homework


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How to Cite

Padmanathan, S. (2023). Exploring the Star Children Pre-School Teachers’ Perception on School Homework in Bandar Utama. International Journal of Emerging Issues in Social Science, Arts and Humanities ( IJEISSAH), 2(1), 69-78. https://doi.org/10.60072/ijeissah.2023.v2i01.008