Analyzing Dominance: Revealing the Interplay of Power and Knowledge in the Field of Social Psychology Beyond Traditional Narratives


  • Pan Chunqiu Faculty of Social Science, Arts & Humanities, Lincoln University College, Malaysia
  • Balan A/L Rathakrishnan Faculty of Social Science, Arts & Humanities, Lincoln University College, Malaysia



This study provides an examination of the dynamic relationship between power and knowledge within the realm of social psychology, surpassing conventional narratives. The field of social psychology has historically been shaped by prevailing narratives that serve to uphold and perpetuate established power dynamics. This study adopts a critical standpoint, interrogating the mechanisms through which power influences the generation of knowledge as well as the formulation of theories. This study aims to enhance this study’s comprehension of power and knowledge in the field of social psychology by engaging in the deconstruction of conventional narratives. This study employs a multidimensional approach to examine the diverse manifestations of power within the field, encompassing societal power structures, organisational dynamics, and personal viewpoints. Through the process of interrogating prevailing discourses and exploring alternative perspectives, this research uncovers latent power dynamics that influence the formulation of research inquiries, the selection of methodologies, and the interpretation of findings. Through the incorporation of a wide range of voices and perspectives, it becomes possible to cultivate a more comprehensive comprehension of power dynamics and generate knowledge that is equitable and fair in its social implications. This study enhances the author’s understanding of the dynamic relationship between power and knowledge within the field of social psychology, thereby enabling a transformative perspective on the examination of human behaviour and society.


Social Psychology, Power and Knowledge, Conventional Narratives

Author Biography

Balan A/L Rathakrishnan, Faculty of Social Science, Arts & Humanities, Lincoln University College, Malaysia

This study provides an examination of the dynamic relationship between power and knowledge within the realm of social psychology, surpassing conventional narratives. The field of social psychology has historically been shaped by prevailing narratives that serve to uphold and perpetuate established power dynamics. This study adopts a critical standpoint, interrogating the mechanisms through which power influences the generation of knowledge as well as the formulation of theories. This study aims to enhance this study’s comprehension of power and knowledge in the field of social psychology by engaging in the deconstruction of conventional narratives. This study employs a multidimensional approach to examine the diverse manifestations of power within the field, encompassing societal power structures, organisational dynamics, and personal viewpoints. Through the process of interrogating prevailing discourses and exploring alternative perspectives, this research uncovers latent power dynamics that influence the formulation of research inquiries, the selection of methodologies, and the interpretation of findings. Through the incorporation of a wide range of voices and perspectives, it becomes possible to cultivate a more comprehensive comprehension of power dynamics and generate knowledge that is equitable and fair in its social implications. This study enhances the author’s understanding of the dynamic relationship between power and knowledge within the field of social psychology, thereby enabling a transformative perspective on the examination of human behaviour and society.


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How to Cite

chunqiu, P., & A/L Rathakrishnan, B. . (2023). Analyzing Dominance: Revealing the Interplay of Power and Knowledge in the Field of Social Psychology Beyond Traditional Narratives. International Journal of Emerging Issues in Social Science, Arts and Humanities ( IJEISSAH), 2(1), 79-88.