The Role of the Interpersonal Skills of the School Principals in Optimizing Positive School Climate: A Concept Paper


  • Tahir Mehmood Department of Education, Lincoln University College, Malaysia
  • Datin Hafizah Che Hassan Faculty of social science, Arts, and humanities, Lincoln University College, Malaysia
  • Sahar Taresh Faculty of social science, Arts, and humanities, Lincoln University College, Malaysia



Fostering a positive school climate is an essential aspect of school improvement. Research has shown that the interpersonal skills of school principals play a crucial role in optimizing school climate. This concept paper aims to develop a conceptual framework that utilizes the current literature on the role of the principal's interpersonal skills in optimizing positive school climate. The literature review focuses on specific interpersonal skills such as communication, trustworthiness, empathy, and problem-solving, which are essential for promoting a positive school climate. The research methodology used in this paper was a comprehensive literature review to develop a conceptual framework on the role of the interpersonal skills of school principals in optimizing a positive school climate. The paper also examined the perspectives of teachers and how their perceptions of the principal's interpersonal skills impact the school climate. Additionally, the paper integrated Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory to provide a more holistic view of the school climate and identify how different systems within and outside the school can be influenced to optimize it. This paper contributes to the literature by providing a more in-depth understanding of the specific interpersonal skills that are required for school climate optimization and their influence on the overall learning and work environment.


Principal Interpersonal Skills, School Climate Optimization, Soft Skills


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How to Cite

Mehmood, T., Che Hassan, D. H., & Taresh, S. (2023). The Role of the Interpersonal Skills of the School Principals in Optimizing Positive School Climate: A Concept Paper. International Journal of Emerging Issues in Social Science, Arts and Humanities ( IJEISSAH), 1(2), 38-54.