The Impact of Reproductive Health on Female Victims of Violence by Partners


  • Erika Agung Mulyaningsih Stikes Pemkab Jombang, Pandanwangi Highway, Diwek, Jombang District, 61471, Indonesia
  • Septiana Juwita Sebelas Maret University, Kentingan, Kec. Jebres, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah, 57126, Indonesia
  • Niken Bayu Argaheni Sebelas Maret University, Kentingan, Kec. Jebres, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah, 57126, Indonesia
  • Septi Fitah Ningtyas Stikes Pemkab Jombang, Pandanwangi Highway, Diwek, Jombang District, 61471, Indonesia



One of three women has experienced violence, including that perpetrated by their partners. Violence against women is a violation of rights and has terrible impacts on health and reproduction. This research aims to understand the reproductive health impacts of women who have experienced violence. This study uses qualitative research methods and narrative stories from survivors of partner violence. Informants were obtained in a manner directly by researchers and also through the Women Crisis Center. A study was held for three months in the district of Jombang, East Java. Violence against women impacts reproductive health problems such as unwanted pregnancy, an effort to abort, treatment violence during pregnancy, no existing support, and rape committed by a partner. We need comprehensive care in assessing women's reproductive health, including vigilance against existing treatment violence experienced by women from partners.


Violence Against Women, Violence by Partners, Health Reproduction


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How to Cite

Mulyaningsih, E. A., Juwita, S., Argaheni, N. B., & Ningtyas, S. F. (2023). The Impact of Reproductive Health on Female Victims of Violence by Partners. Malaysian Journal of Medical Research (MJMR), 7(3), 21-26.
