Optic Neuritis: Evaluation of Visual Acuity and Contrast Sensitivity. A Hospital Based Cross Sectional Study
Objective: To assess visual acuity and contrast sensitivity in various form of Optic neuritis patients. Study Design and Settings: It was a hospital based cross sectional study conducted in eye department of Teaching hospital, University of Lahore Pakistan. Total duration of the study was 4 months from January 2022-April 2022. Methods: A total of 32 patients were included in the study. Purposive sampling technique was adopted for sampling. Patients age 15-45 were included in the study. A detailed eye examination was done in patients presented to eye department with pain and evaluated for optic neuritis, and demographics along with clinical signs and symptoms were documented using a proforma. Results: Total 32 patients were included in the study having Optic Neuritis. Mean age of the patients was 29 ±8.3SD (Range 15-45). The optic neuritis was divided into further sub-divisions, i.e. Pappilits 11 patients, Retrobulbar Neuritis 14 patients and neuroretinitis 7 patients. A paired t test comparing contrast sensitivity before and after treatment showed a significance of .03 improvement after treatment. In spite of the fact that the results demonstrated that contrast sensitivity did not return to normal, they did show that with prompt treatment, a substantial improvement in contrast sensitivity was possible. Same significance of .02 was found for improvement in VA post-operatively when a paired t test was applied. Conclusion: Vision and contrast sensitivity both are affected in ON, however VA can be improved to normal vision after treatment, but contrast seldom improve to its normal value.
Contrast Sensitivity, Optic Neuritis, VisionDownloads
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