Myopia Progression During COVID19 Pandemic at a Tertiary Care Hospital
Purpose: The lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic lead to many countries implementing a population lockdown. This study was designed to investigate the myopic changes that occurred during lockdown due to the COVID19 pandemic in Pakistan. Methods: A prospective, cross-sectional study, was conducted on patients presenting to the out-patients department with symptoms suggesting a refractive problem. Subjects with a Mean Spherical Equivalent (MSE) level of myopia of at least -0.50DS were included. The second group of subjects that had emmetropia (MSE between -0.25DS and +0.25DS) was recruited. All subjects (including adults) underwent cycloplegic refraction and used objective and subjective techniques, to exclude any pseudo-myopia due to accommodation. Results: A total of 900 subjects were enrolled from 4 to 24 years. The myopia group consisted of 473 subjects (256 females) and the emmetropia group consisted of 427 subjects (224 females). There was no statistical difference in the ages of the groups. Both groups showed an increase in their level of myopia, which was statistically higher in the emmetropic group (p<0.001). Further analysis was conducted, splitting the subjects into four age groups: 4-8 years; 9-12 years; 13-19 years; and 19-24 years. All age groups showed an increase in the magnitude of myopia, with the oldest age group showing the least increase, which was statistically significant (p<0.005). Conclusions: An increase in the magnitude of myopia was seen in all subjects and across all age groups, but more so in the younger subjects.
Myopia Progression, COVID19, Lockdown, Refractive ChangesDownloads
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