Adapting to Covid-19 Pandemic: A Critical Literature Review of the Psychological Impact among Nursing Students
Introduction: The Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was first identified in Wuhan City, China, in 2019. Efforts were made to cordon off the city in a bid to contain the virus. The tumultuous developments in nursing education, along with the national healthcare crisis caused by the COVID19 pandemic, formed a precarious direction for nursing faculty, many of whom had little prior experience teaching in an online environment. This literature review aims to understand the psychological impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on nursing students.
Methods: A literature search was conducted with the following electronic databases: ProQuest, EBSCOhost, Medline, Google Scholar, PubMed and National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Search terms included "psychological impacts," "mental health," "COVID-19," "pandemic", and "nursing students". The articles were reviewed based on relevance. The inclusion criteria consisted of (1) pre-licensure nursing students; (2) mental health as the key issue; (3) during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic; (4) journal article and a research manuscript. A total of 104 articles were initially found using the above keywords. After screening using the criteria, 23 articles were relevant to be included in this review.
Results: The themes that were identified after a comprehensive review of the articles are:
(1) depression, (2) anxiety, (3) stress, (4) fear and (5) academic performance.
Conclusion: The nursing students had to endure psychological impacts due to the COVID-19 pandemic and all the changes it brought about. Nursing educators must find the right balance between best-fit teaching methods and a supportive role in their students' mental health.
Psychological Impact, Covid-19, Pandemic, Nursing Students, Mental HealthDownloads
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