
  • Aries Abiyoga Institute of health technology and science Wiyata Husada Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia
  • Tuti Meihartati Program Nursing and Midwifery Institute of health technology and science Wiyata Husada Samarinda, Indonesia



Introduction: Actually, more than 90% of postpartum hemorrhage cases occurring within 24 hours after delivery are caused by uterine atony, one of the factors causing uterine atony due to errors in active management of the third phase such as inappropriate oxytocin administration time. Stimulation of nipple can produce oxytocin naturally and this oxytocin can shorten the time of placental release. This study aims to determine the influence of nipple stimulation on the active management of phase III to the placenta release time. Methods: The method in this study was quasi experimental with post test design only non equivalent control group. Samples in this study were 32 physiological maternal with phase III who were divided into two groups with non probability sampling technique with purposive sampling type. Results: The results in this study, there was a difference in placental release time, in the release intervention placental group faster than the control group and the result was ρ value < 0,001 (<0,05). Conclusions: there is an effect of mother's nipple stimulation on the active management of phase III to the time of placental release.


Nipple Stimulation, Placental Release Time


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How to Cite

Aries Abiyoga, & Tuti Meihartati. (2020). STIMULATION OF DAIRY MILK ON ACTIVE MANAGEMENT KALA III ON TIME OF PLACENTA DISPOSAL. Malaysian Journal of Medical Research (MJMR), 4(4), 43-47.
