Over the world, nonprofit organizations play a growing role in the social and economic well-being. They provide services, goods and resources to meet community needs. In Myanmar, there are many international and local non-profit organizations working for sustainable development in many sectors for the country. Since, there are very less studies on human resource management of non-profit organizations and the study will be supportive for some extent for them. This quantitative descriptive study is investigated to observe the influencing factors on job performance among employees who are working in international non-profit organizations in Myanmar. In recent times, many organizations are taking attention about the importance of employee performance, to increase employee performance and to find out the methods of achieving high level of employee performance for their organizational success. Performance of employee can be increased by allocating efforts to factors that enhance the employees’ motivational level, ability and extrinsic factors like organizational culture and leadership styles, etc. The objective was to identify motivation influences the job performance of the non-profit employees. For the purpose of this study, with a simple random sampling, 125 employees who are working at international non-profit organizations were targeted to examine through random sampling technique. To achieve the objectives, the primary data gathered in the form of questionnaires with a Likert typed-scale including different aspects of job performance and 108 questionnaires were received back. The data were analyzed by using SPSS software and the analysis showed that the motivation, ability, organizational culture and leadership style altogether have significant influence on job performance of employees from non-profit organizations in Myanmar.
Job Performance, Motivation, Ability, Organizational Culture, Leadership StyleDownloads
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