The Moderating Effect of Privacy Concern on Intrinsic Motivation and Actual Travel Sharing in Social Media
This research examines the privacy concern as moderator in the relationship between multidimensional intrinsic motivation (knowledge, accomplishment, and stimulation) and actual travel sharing in social media. Research on privacy concern and intrinsic motivation on tourism perspective, so far, is relatively rare. A cross sectional survey was employed on 409 Indonesian millennial domestic tourists and data were analyzed using Partial Least Square (PLS). The findings from this study showed that knowledge, accomplishment, stimulation, and privacy concern had positive effects on actual travel sharing behaviour in social media. However, privacy concern only moderated the knowledge and travel sharing in social media. This study supports the paradox of privacy concern roles in social media and the importance of multidimensional intrinsic motivation in encouraging travel sharing. Thus, the managerial implications for tourism marketers are to develop low budget promotion through tourists’ voluntary sharing in social media.
Intrinsic Motivation, Self-Determination Theory, Actual Travel Sharing, Privacy Concern, Social MediaDownloads
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