Employee Satisfaction and Its’ Impact on Organizational Commitment: A Resource Based Approach


  • Md. Faisal-E-Alam Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur 5404, Bangladesh
  • Asma Aktarun Nahar North Bengal International University, Rajshahi 6206, Bangladesh




Satisfaction of employees and commitment in Nationalized Commercial Banks (NCBs) is of highest concern due to the nature of organizations in Bangladesh. This study directed to assess the influence of employee satisfaction of work on three levels of firms’ commitment such as affective, continuance and normative commitment within NCBs in Bangladesh. The cross-sectional research design is followed in this investigation. Quantitative survey research was carried out and the sample of 100 employees filled up the questionnaire from four NCBs in Khulna City. The outcomes revealed that the employees’ satisfaction is completely related with Affective Commitment (AC). Furthermore, the Continuance Commitment (CC) of employees is significantly predicted by employee satisfaction at the workplace. Finally, the outcomes also show how the Normative Commitment (NC) of employees is positively impacted by their work satisfaction. Owing to research design, caution was taken in making the results’ generalization. The present study might be of interest and practice for banks in formulating strategic Human Resource Management Policies. Because it considers how managers or bosses, or experts understand their employees’ sense of attachment toward a particular organization. This study also highlighted the bank management practices’ nature and significance for the sustainability of the banking sector.


Satisfaction of Employee, Commitment of Organization (AC, CC and NC), NCBs


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How to Cite

Md. Faisal-E-Alam, & Asma Aktarun Nahar. (2022). Employee Satisfaction and Its’ Impact on Organizational Commitment: A Resource Based Approach. International Journal on Recent Trends in Business and Tourism (IJRTBT), 6(2), 1-16. https://doi.org/10.31674/ijrtbt.2022.v06i02.001
