A Global Study on the Links between Structural and Psychological Types of Empowerments and Workplace Employee Participation
This multinational research tested the job demands-resources theory's hypothesised beneficial link between structural work accreditation and, in turn, task performance and quit intentions. More specifically, the study included responses from 1,033 organization employees in Spain and the United Kingdom. Work engagement was shown to have a constructive relationship with task performance and a negative relationship with intention to quit, and the constructive relationship between systematic and work commitment was somewhat tempered by psychological empowerment. Results from invariance studies corroborated the partial structural invariance of the proposed model, showing that the positive association between intellectual and workplace commitment was stronger for workers working in the United Kingdom than in Spain. The positive correlation between systematic delegation and employee commitment is examined, as are the implications for theory and management practice, such as the idea that psychological delegation may be the fundamental procedure explaining this correlation
Work Engagement, Workplace Commitment, Systematic DelegationDownloads
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