Human Resource Management Practice and Innovative Work Behaviour: The Mediating Role of Work Engagement
Hotel employees' innovative behaviour and work engagement are critical to the quality of hospitality services. Although research has established that human resource management benefits individuals, teams, and organizations, it needs to be clarified whether it could promote innovative behaviour and work engagement among hotel employees. This study aimed to investigate the effect of human resource management practices on innovative behaviour among hotel employees and examine work engagement's mediating role in this relationship. Questionnaires from five four-star hotels were given to 152 respondents in order to collect data. The PLS-SEM model was used to evaluate the data. The result showed that human resource management practice significantly and positively affects innovative work behaviour and engagement. Similarly, work engagement substantially positively impacts the innovative work behaviour of hotel employees. The research also demonstrates that work engagement significantly mediated the association between human resource management practice perception and innovative work behaviour.
Hotel Employee, Human Resource Management Practice, Innovative Work Behaviour, Work EngagementDownloads
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