The Role of Internal Communication on the Effectiveness of Employee Decision Making
The process of decision-making among employees at the Office of the Minister of State in the Dhofar Governorate, Sultanate of Oman, relies on effective internal communication. Three independent variables were examined: administrative communication, formal communication, and informal communication in relation to employee decision-making. The study adopted a systematic literature approach to review methods for synthesising the fundamentals of internal communication among employees in government sectors. A sample of 238 employees was stratified using a quota sampling procedure to select respondents. The study used a questionnaire, adopted and adapted from the Internal Communication Questionnaire (ICSQ) and the Employee Participation in Decision Making Questionnaire (EPDM). Correlation analysis and Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) were used to examine the relationships among the variables. The results showed a significant positive relationship between administrative, formal, and informal communication and employee decision-making in the government institution. The most influential variable among these was formal communication, with a beta coefficient of 0.240 and a significance level of 0.000. Additionally, the model summary accounted for 20.3% of the variance, with an ANOVA significance of 0.000. Therefore, adopting internal communication within governmental sectors is recommended to achieve organisational goals, as this accounts for 20.3% of the variance with a positive significance level of 0.000. This implies that adopting such internal communication practices in employee decision-making is a suitable methodology for achieving organisational goals.
Administrative Communication, Employee Decision Making, Formal Communication, Informal CommunicationDownloads
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