The Influence of TikTok Social Media Addiction on Psychological Well Being in University Students
This research was conducted in order to see the influence of TikTok social media addiction on the psychological well-being of students in the five major cities in Indonesia, namely Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi, also known as the Jabodetabek area. The method used is non-probability sampling with a type of purposive sampling so that researchers can select according to the desired criteria. The direction of the negative and significant correlation in both variables r is -0.372, p <.001, which means that the higher the use of social media, the lower the psychological well-being of students. From the results of the hypothesis test that has been done, the results obtained are quite significant: social media addiction can affect psychological well-being, which overall is 13.8%. Because the results of the data point negatively, it can be concluded that the higher the addiction to TikTok social media, the lower the psychological well-being.
Social Media Addiction, TikTok, Psychological Well BeingDownloads
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