Navigating Turnover: Culture and Job Satisfaction in Listed Companies
Turnover has been a critical concern for all industries. Turnover intention has been known as the best predictor of turnover, which can be influenced by the culture and job attitude of employees. A cross-sectional study was conducted among the employees of a few Malaysian small and medium enterprises (SMEs), where n=197. The results supported the hypothesis that the impact of organisational culture and job satisfaction was significant. However, no significant impact of organisational culture and job satisfaction was found on turnover intention. Furthermore, it was found that job satisfaction did not mediate the relationship between organisational culture and turnover intention. This means that practitioners in SME should focus on building a healthy organisational culture to improve employees’ job satisfaction. Although it was found that job satisfaction is not a significant mediator in explaining the relationship between organisational culture and turnover intention, it can raise awareness among practitioners in SME to focus on other aspects to reduce turnover intention instead of job satisfaction.
Job Satisfaction, Organizational Culture, SME, Turnover IntentionDownloads
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