The Roles of Entrepreneurial Education to Egyptian Students at All Educational Levels
Entrepreneurship education is regarded as critical in Egypt for promoting the country's long-term progress. The government has introduced entrepreneurial education studies in all educational institutions to address the various problems confronting the nation, such as unemployment among young people and recent graduates, reliance on foreign products and technological advancements, and extremely slow economic growth and development. As a result, it is suggested in this study that teaching entrepreneurship at all levels of education will provide students with the skills they require to be self-sufficient. The study also discusses the goal of rethinking entrepreneurial education, as well as the characteristics of entrepreneurship education and the new teaching position in entrepreneurship education. Entrepreneurship education should motivate both students and teachers to start their own firms. The level of entrepreneurship education that students receive affects every aspect of their thinking, development, invention, personality, and taking responsibility.
Entrepreneurship, Education, Awareness, Innovation, Training, Egyptian, StudentsDownloads
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