A Study on The Protection of Lecturer’s Rights According to Employment Law No. 13 of 2003 for Higher Education Organisation


  • Gokma Toni Parlindungan Faculty of Law , University of West Sumatera, Indonesia
  • Dorris Yadewani Faculty of Management, University of West Sumatera, Indonesia




Lecturers are crucial for enhancing higher education in Indonesia, and their well-being and rights must be secured for optimal performance. This study examines the protection of faculty rights based on the application of Law No. 13 of 2003 on Employment by higher education foundations. Using normative juridical methods along with conceptual and contextual approaches, the research involved literature reviews, legislation analysis, and interviews with 30 lecturers and foundations. Findings reveal that faculty rights protection by foundations is insufficient. Evidence includes lecturers not receiving salaries and benefits per legislative provisions and an imbalance between their workload and rights. Additionally, there is a lack of clear legal protection for lecturers. The study suggests that improvements are needed from various stakeholders. The government should strengthen regulations related to lecturers' rights protection, university foundations must commit more to safeguarding these rights, and lecturers need to be more aware of and assertive about their rights. By addressing these issues, the research aims to enhance the quality of higher education in Indonesia by ensuring lecturers receive their due rights.


Education, Human Resources, Lecturer, Legal, Rights


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How to Cite

Toni Parlindungan, G., & Yadewani, D. (2024). A Study on The Protection of Lecturer’s Rights According to Employment Law No. 13 of 2003 for Higher Education Organisation. International Journal of Emerging Issues in Social Science, Arts and Humanities ( IJEISSAH), 2(3), 122-129. https://doi.org/10.60072/ijeissah.2024.v2i03.013