A Study of The Effects of Feedback on College Students’ Self-Regulated Learning in an Online Learning Environment


  • Chen Mengying Faculty of Social Science Arts and Humanities, Lincoln University College, Malaysia https://orcid.org/0009-0000-8189-3282
  • Lubna Ali Mohammed Faculty of Social Science Arts and Humanities, Lincoln University College, Malaysia




Background: Effective feedback positively impacts students' learning by stimulating motivation and enhancing cognition. In self-regulated learning, feedback is crucial. Given the moderate self-regulated learning abilities of Chinese college students and the demands of online learning, this study aims to provide feedback tailored to the self-regulated learning process, implement it in an online setting, and examine its effects to evaluate its effectiveness. Methods: This study combines literature analysis, experimental research, and a questionnaire to conduct an in-depth study of the impact of feedback on undergraduate self-regulated learning in an online learning environment. Sample: 37 students’ final grade point average in the previous semester is taken as the pre-test score. Based on this data, the study subjects are divided into two groups that are not statistically different. A teaching experiment lasting one semester is conducted on two groups of students: one receiving feedback and the other not, serving as the experimental and control groups. Results: (1) Feedback has a positive impact on college students' self-regulated learning level; (2) Feedback does not have a significant impact on college students' academic performance in the short term. Conclusion: This study investigates three aspects of model construction, feedback design, and empirical evidence to provide feedback based on learners' self-regulated learning processes in online learning environments to improve college students' self-regulated learning.


Feedback, Online Learning, Self-Regulated Learning, Students' Performance


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How to Cite

Chen, M., & Ali Mohammed, L. (2024). A Study of The Effects of Feedback on College Students’ Self-Regulated Learning in an Online Learning Environment. International Journal of Emerging Issues in Social Science, Arts and Humanities ( IJEISSAH), 2(3), 104-112. https://doi.org/10.60072/ijeissah.2024.v2i03.011