Assessing the Impact of Student’s Evaluation of Teachers (SET) on English Speaking and Writing Anxiety among BS English Students in Peshawar, Pakistan


  • Shahzad Dilshad Khan Faculty of Social Science, Arts and Humanities, Lincoln University College, Malaysia
  • Lubna Ali Mohammed Faculty of Social Science Arts and Humanities, Lincoln University College, Malaysia



Background: Language learning anxiety, especially in speaking and writing, significantly affects students' academic success. This study examines the correlation between student’s evaluation of teachers (SET) and anxiety levels in English speaking and writing among BS (Bachelor of Science) English students in Peshawar, Pakistan. Methods: Utilizing a quantitative research approach, the study recruited a random sample of 154 undergraduate students enrolled in BS English language classes. Data collection involved a well-designed questionnaire incorporating validated scales: The Student’s Evaluation of Teaching Scale the adapted Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS), and the English Writing Anxiety Scale (EWAS). Descriptive and inferential statistical methods, including Pearson correlation coefficients, were employed to analyze the data. Results: The findings revealed a minimal negative correlation between SET and anxiety in both speaking (-0.02) and writing (-0.02). This suggests that as students' anxiety about speaking and writing increases, their evaluations of teachers tend to be slightly less favorable, although the correlation is weak. The results underscore the complexity of factors influencing student evaluations and highlight the nuanced role of anxiety in language learning contexts. While anxiety is a factor in students’ perceptions of teacher effectiveness, other elements such as teaching methods, teacher-student relationships, and course content may play more significant roles. Conclusion: The study contributes to understanding the intricate dynamics between teacher evaluation and student anxiety, emphasizing the need for supportive teaching strategies to alleviate language learning anxiety and improve educational outcomes. Further research is warranted to explore these relationships in diverse educational and cultural contexts.


English Language Speaking Anxiety, English Writing Anxiety, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, Student’s Evaluation of Teachers


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How to Cite

Dilshad Khan, S., & Ali Mohammed, L. (2024). Assessing the Impact of Student’s Evaluation of Teachers (SET) on English Speaking and Writing Anxiety among BS English Students in Peshawar, Pakistan. International Journal of Emerging Issues in Social Science, Arts and Humanities ( IJEISSAH), 2(3), 85-93.