Role of Teachers and Students: An Analysis of Higher Education Commission Speaking Curriculum at Graduate Level in Pakistan Subtitle: Implication of the Role of Teachers and Students in Curriculum Design


  • Sadia Ayub Faculty of Social Science, Arts and Humanities, Lincoln University College, of Malaysia
  • Mohammed Ali Marem Faculty of Economics Aden University, Yemen, Republic of Yemen
  • Lubna Ali Mohammed Faculty of Social Science, Arts and Humanities, Lincoln University College, of Malaysia



An effective curriculum must clearly define the roles of both teachers and students in achieving its goals. The HEC undergraduate educational policy 2023 emphasizes that the speaking curriculum should align with fieldwork requirements, reflecting in the roles of teachers and students. This study explores these roles in teaching and learning speaking skills at the undergraduate level in Pakistani universities. Teachers need to enhance their knowledge and skills to effectively use various instructional methodologies. Curriculum developers must ensure their curricula support student learning, provide the necessary tools to meet learning objectives, and improve the education system. This qualitative study used a language teaching model, collecting data through interviews with teachers and students, analyzing the functional English curriculum, and observing classrooms focused on speaking skills. Findings indicate that the speaking curriculum needs improvement to redefine teachers as facilitators rather than directors and ensure proper classroom implementation. Additionally, students need more involvement in pair/group activities to develop workplace-related speaking skills. The study suggests revising the curriculum to incorporate practical learning activities that encourage student engagement and speaking skills development.


Role of Students, Role of Teachers, Higher Education Commission (HEC), HEC's Speaking Curriculum, Speaking Skills


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How to Cite

ayub, sadia, Ali, M. M., & Ali Mohammed, L. . (2024). Role of Teachers and Students: An Analysis of Higher Education Commission Speaking Curriculum at Graduate Level in Pakistan Subtitle: Implication of the Role of Teachers and Students in Curriculum Design. International Journal of Emerging Issues in Social Science, Arts and Humanities ( IJEISSAH), 2(3), 23-34.