Analyzing the Factors Influencing English Language Speaking Anxiety of Sri Lankan Primary Students in Oman


  • Samaha Rashard Faculty of Social Science, Arts, and Humanities, Lincoln University College, Malaysia
  • Uranus Saadat Faculty of Social Science Arts and Humanities, Lincoln University College, Malaysia



Background: This study was carried out to investigate the factors of speaking anxiety among Sri Lankan primary students who learn English as second language learners in Oman and aimed to shed light on the possible solutions to overcome the English-speaking anxiety. Methods: This study is done using a mixed method. Forty-six Sri Lankan students participated in a quantitative study, in which the sampling method was convenient sampling, and two teachers who teach Sri Lankan students participated in a qualitative study, in which the sampling method was purposeful sampling. The instruments of this study are a questionnaire and a semi-structured interview. Results: The findings of quantitative research revealed that the major source of speaking anxiety in English learners in Sri Lanka is the fear of negative evaluation. Conclusion: The findings of qualitative research revealed that the effective solutions for overcoming the speaking anxiety of English learners in Sri Lanka living in Oman are a relaxed and friendly classroom environment, teachers using various techniques and approaches to boost confidence, and teachers encouraging the students to speak up.


English, Negative Evaluation, Second Language, Speaking Anxiety


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How to Cite

Rashard, S., & Saadat, U. (2024). Analyzing the Factors Influencing English Language Speaking Anxiety of Sri Lankan Primary Students in Oman. International Journal of Emerging Issues in Social Science, Arts and Humanities ( IJEISSAH), 2(3), 94-103.