The purpose of this research was to explore the lived experiences of the out of school youths (OSY) victims of the Typhoon Haijan in Caputatan Norte, Medellin, Cebu. A qualitative methodology using a phenomenology framework was employed, with semi-structured interview to facilitate the respondents reveal their lived experience. A convenience sample of five OSY’s who have direct experience of typhoon Haijan was needed to reach saturation. Data analysis was based on Colaizzi’s methodology. The whole process was based on the data, transcribed interviews, sorting, categorizations (cool analysis), categories as thematized (warm analysis) in a repertory grid or a dendogram that paved the way to discovering the value of the lived experiences of the out-of-school-youths victims of typhoon Haijan. The description of the lived experience revealed is the terrifying experience that emanate from the OSY internal and external environment of retreating, revealing, and regressing experience, the destructive experience that derives from the OSY’s understanding of detrimental, desuetude, and destitute observations, and the surviving experience that stems from exodus, endure, and empower experience. The themes, which emerged, suggest that the lived experience reflected a normal adaptation response of human beings siege with disasters.
School Youths, Victims, Phenomenology framework, Typhoon Haijan, Emotional traumaDownloads
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