
  • Riris Andriati Widya Dharma Husada Tangerang School of Health Science, 15417, Indonesia
  • Rita Dwi Pratiwi Widya Dharma Husada Tangerang School of Health Science, 15417, Indonesia
  • Fenita Purnama Sari Indah Kharisma Persada School of Health Science, 15417, Indonesia



Introduction: According to WHO, the average standard of sectio caesarea in a country is about 5-10% in every 1000 births in the world. One of the complications of sectio caesaria is a pain in the incision area. Non-pharmacologic pain management strategies for dealing with pain are autogenic relaxation therapy. Autogenic relaxation therapy is one of relaxation techniques where the source’s is in the inside of our self in form of a short sentence that can make the mind peaceful. The objective of the research is to evaluate the differences effect of autogenic relaxation therapy to reduce pain level on postoperative sectio caesaria patients at Ciputat Buah Hati Hospital.

Method: The research design used was quasy experimental research with the randomized pretest-posttest with control group design involving 50 postoperative sectio caesarea patients consisted of 25 respondents as intervention group and 25 respondents as control group. Sampling technique used was non probability sampling namely purposive sampling techniques.

Result: The average of pain levels at intervention group after they had been given autogenic relaxation therapy was 2,88 and at control group was 3,48. A result of Mann Whitney U test, showed p-value 0,024 < α 0,05.

Conclusion: The differences pain levels in postoperative sectio caesaria patients after they had been given autogenic relaxation therapy between intervention group and control group showed that there was some different effects of giving autogenic relaxation therapy to reduce pain levels at postoperative sectio caesaria patients at Ciputat Buah Hati Hospital.


Autogenic Relaxation Therapy, Pain Levels


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How to Cite

Riris Andriati, Rita Dwi Pratiwi, & Fenita Purnama Sari Indah. (2019). THE DIFFERENCES IN THE AUTOGENIC RELAXATION THERAPY’S INFLUENCES ON REDUCING PAIN LEVELS IN POSTOPERATIVE SECTIO CAESARIA PATIENTS . Malaysian Journal of Medical Research (MJMR), 3(4), 33-37.
