Sleep has restorative function that is important in the maintenance of life. Yet poor sleep quality has been reported by people with chronic diseases include cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, Type II diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease. A cross-sectional study to determine their sleep disorder and sleep quality was carried out among hospitalized adult patients with chronic diseases in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia. A total of 117 respondents, male (61.5%) and female (38.5%), aged between 18 and 90 years old who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were selected through systematic sampling. Data collection was statistically analyzed using the SPSS software version 22.0. One-way ANOVA, Independent t-test and Pearson Chi-square were used for data analysis. The results showed that the prevalence of sleep disorder was 59.0% and majority of them had poor sleep quality (74.4%). However, the results showed that there is no significant association between socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents and sleep quality. In Each chronic disease it was found that there is no significant association with it to the patients’ sleep quality during the period of hospitalization. This might be due to the quality of sleeping of the individuals. Most probably it would not be affected by having only one single chronic disease. On the other hand, a significant association was found between sleep disorder and sleep quality as sleep disorder would lead to shallow sleep and awake from sleeping. In conclusion, the poor sleep quality level of hospitalized patients with chronic diseases might be occurred due to other causes such as environmental factors.
Sleep Disorder, Sleep Quality, Chronic DiseasesDownloads
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