Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) generally cause new HIV infections as much as 12% in the world in 2015. In Bukittinggi city the findings of new cases of HIV in 2017 were 74 people and among them 40 MSM had risk factors. The purpose of this study was to determine the risk factors for HIV in MSM in the City of Bukittinggi. The design of this study is analytic with a case control approach. The study was conducted on July 23- August 15 2018 in the City of Bukittinggi. With a sample size of 60 people with a ratio of 1: 2, namely 20 case groups and 40 control groups and Snow Ball Sampling technique. Data analysis used is both univariate, bivariate analysis. The high-risk factors behind HIV infection happens due to premature age (46.7%), low education level (90%), unemployment (35%), low income (48.3%) and of course marriage (8.3%). There is a relationship between age, work and income with HIV infection in MSM. Age, occupation and income are risk factors for HIV incidence in MSM in the City of Bukittinggi.
HIV, MSM, Risk FactorDownloads
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