Introduction: Hypertension is one of the society health problems occurs in developing country as well as in the developed one. Hypertension is a disease which the systolic blood pressure reaches ≥ 140 mmHg and/or ≥ 90 mmHg for the diastolic. According to the reports of Kresek Primary Healthcare Center on health service in 2017, hypertension is the second highest disease occurs in Kresek County. Method: This study has a purpose to find out correlation between hypertension risk factors and hypertension incidence on The Haji Oman Traditional Crackers Factory. The population in this study was 30 labors from Haji Oman Traditional Crackers Factory. The result showed that there was correlation between smoking as the risk factor of hypertension, and hypertension incidence (p<0.035). Although the other risk factors did not show any significant correlation. The population with hypertension were 73.3% (22 people), prehypertension 10.0% (3 people), and normal blood pressure were 26.7% (5 people).
Hypertension Risk Factors, Hypertension, LaborDownloads
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