Introduction: Studies from many parts of the world have explored factors associated with poor diabetes self-management including Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME).
Research Methodology: This study was conducted among 162 diabetes patients at primary healthcare clinics in Malaysia using semi-structured exit-interviews to explore their perceptions, attitudes and practices in relation to self-care and encounters with primary health care providers.
Results and Discussion: Generally, the patients had limited knowledge, lack of motivation and encountered difficulties in diabetes self-management. The DSME was inadequate due to limited time allocated for consultations with doctors, language barriers and the lack of interpersonal and communication skills of HCPs.
Conclusion: In view of the positive effects of quality DSME on the health outcomes and quality of life among diabetes patients, it is important for the primary healthcare clinics in Malaysia to strengthen the diabetes services through training in communication of all HCPs, awareness of language difference and task shifting.
Primary Healthcare, Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME)Downloads
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