Background: WHO (World Health Organization), through Global Data Status Report on Noncommunicable Disesases (2010) states that in 2025 there are projections of around 29 percent of the world's citizens suffering from hypertension, and 40 percent of hypertensive patients will be from developing countries. The risk of death due to high hypertension and complications are due to poor handling of hypertension. Quoting the results of Basic Health Research (Riskesdas, 2013), national prevalence for hypertension is 25.8%, of which one-third were diagnosed or treated for medication and two-thirds were undiagnosed let alone taking medication. Objective: The purpose of this study is to find out the characteristics of hypertensive patients in Sukabumi Regency. Methods: The populations included in the study are all hypertensive patients in Sukabumi regency covering 47 districts. Samples of hypertensive patients taken include 7 districts that lived in Northern Sukabumi, Central Sukabumi and Southern Sukabumi. The technique of taking the sample used is Accidental Sampling technique. Result: The results of this study showed that hypertensive patients were mostly female and aged between 45 and 49 years. Hypertension sufferers mostly work as laborers. Hypertension sufferers have the habit of eating salted fish. Hypertension sufferers mostly have the habit of drinking coffee. Hypertension sufferers mostly do not have the habit of exercising every week. Hypertension sufferers mostly have a habit of smoking every day. Hypertension sufferers mostly have problematic emotional status. Conclusion: The research result shows the habit pattern of hypertension victims in Sukabumi Regency and points out that it is mainly caused by unhealthy lifestyle, especially food habits of the victims. Having fast foods, salty food and food containing preservatives and chemicals increases the chances of hypertension.
Characteristics of Hypertension SufferersDownloads
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