
  • Dwi Sulistyo C Institute of Health Science Kharisma, Indonesia
  • Nani Nurhaeni Lecturer, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Fajar Tri W University of Indonesia, Indonesia




Nurses can help patients with pneumonia and their family through appropriate discharge planning. This study aims to determine the effect of discharge planning toward medication adherence on toddlers’ pneumonia at Karawang Local General Hospital. Quasi-experimental research post-test only control group design with 58 respondents was selected by consecutive sampling technique. The study by using Chi square test showed a significant difference between the intervention group and control group about medication adherence and understanding of the danger signs of pneumonia (p <0.001). Gender, education, occupation, number of children, income, experience to care pneumonia, and social support have no effect on medication adherence and understanding of the danger signs of pneumonia.


Discharge Planning, Medication Adherence, Danger Signs of Pneumonia


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How to Cite

Dwi Sulistyo C, Nani Nurhaeni, & Fajar Tri W. (2019). EFFECT OF DISCHARGE PLANNING TOWARD MEDICATION ADHERENCE AND UNDERSTANDING OF THE DANGER SIGNS OF PNEUMONIA OF TODDLERS AT INDONESIAN HOSPITAL. Malaysian Journal of Medical Research (MJMR), 3(2), 25-33. https://doi.org/10.31674/mjmr.2019.v03i02.003
