Background: The first five years constitute the foundations of the child’s physical, mental growth and development. Mortality and morbidity are higher among this age group. Early detection of danger signs are very crucial to prevent such. The objectives were to assess the knowledge of mothers regarding under-five danger signs & explore the association and causal effect between such knowledge with selected factors. Methodology : A descriptivestudy was conducted in a rural community of West Bengal from Jan’2018 to Sept’2018. Total study sample was 110 mothers having under five children. Door to door data collection was done by using interview technique & data has been analyzed by both manually and computer feeding.Results :Out of total study sample, majority (60%) belongs to age group 18- 25 years followed by 31% among 26- 33 age group, then 16% were more than 33 years . Out of total mothers majority (40%) belongs to higher educated group, (37%) secondary group , followed by (10%) has primary education and (13%) were illiterate. Knowledge score was more than 50% among higher educated group (64%). Out of total respondents 61 (55.5 %) mother’s were not able to identify any danger signs whereas (35.5%) mothers identified 1-2 danger signs and (9%) mothers able to identify 3-4 danger signs. Knowledge score about danger signs was more who visited antenatal clinic more than 4 times (61%).Conclusions :Awareness regarding under five danger signs are more among higher educated mothers. Number of antenatal visits also influence knowledge score.
Awareness, Under-five, Danger Signs, MothersDownloads
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