Survey on the Use of E-Application for Anaemia in Pregnant Women at Midwifery Clinic
Background: Among pregnant women, anaemia is a common health issue, as nutritional requirements increase to support fetal growth. Anaemia during pregnancy can have serious consequences, including an increased risk of preterm birth, low birth weight, and complications during delivery. This article aims to analyse the extent to which health promotion and accessibility to healthcare services influence anaemia in pregnant women. Methods: This study adopts a quantitative approach using a cross-sectional research design. The research was conducted to test a system developed using the waterfall method, in the form of utilising information technology in a knowledge-based system. The population in this study consisted of pregnant women who visited the Midwifery Clinic, with a total of 52 pregnant women from August to October 2024. Results: The significance test p=0.000 confirms that this relationship is statistically significant, indicating that the application has great potential to help effectively detect anaemia in pregnant women. Based on the ANOVA test, the regression model used in this study is statistically significant with a significant value p=0.000. The significance value p=0.000 emphasises that the application plays an important role in enhancing the accuracy of anaemia detection based on hemoglobin levels. The analysis shows an R Square value of 0.695, indicating that about 69.5% of the variation in HB test results can be explained by the application results, reinforcing the application's role in predicting HB test outcomes. Conclusion: The use of the E-Application influences identifying pregnant women with anaemia.
Anaemia, Accessibility to Healthcare Services, Health PromotionDownloads
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