Determinant of Life Expectancy in Indonesia: Bibliometrics Literature Review
Most of the provinces (74 percent) in Indonesia have life expectancy below the national average. There is a gap in life expectancy between provinces in Indonesia. Justice and equitable development are urgently needed in Indonesia. Increasing life expectancy will contribute to increasing household income thereby reducing poverty levels. A bibliometric literature review was conducted to explain the determinants of life expectancy in Indonesia. A literature search was carried out in the Google Scholar database using the keyword life expectancy in Indonesia. The criteria for selecting literature are those starting in 2015 and published in journals indexed by Scopus, Sinta, and Copernicus. The article searches successfully controlled 19,900 articles. Article selection succeeded in controlling 25 articles that met the criteria. The determinants of life expectancy in Indonesia can be divided into health, social, economic, demographic, political, and environmental infrastructure factors. Recent research on the determinants of life expectancy in Indonesia focuses on health infrastructure variables. Future research needs to be carried out to provide evidence of the influence of inadequate food consumption, food insecurity, stunting, availability of medicines in health facilities, unmet health service needs, self-medication, hand washing facilities, and crime on life expectancy in Indonesia.
Life Expectancy, Longevity, Poverty, Quality of LifeDownloads
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