Contemporary Management Strategies for Appendicular Abscess: A Narrative Review


  • Kumar Hari Rajah Department of Surgery, Taylors University School of medicine and Health Science,47500 Selangor, Malaysia



Introduction: Appendicular abscess is a complication arising from the perforation of the appendix, occurring in approximately 10% of acute appendicitis cases. It is diagnosed through clinical examination, leucocytosis, and imaging techniques such as ultrasound or computed tomography (CT). Management traditionally involves a conservative approach, including intravenous fluids, antibiotics, and percutaneous drainage. However, with advancements in laparoscopic surgery, immediate appendectomy has gained preference, while interval appendectomy is now reserved for patients with recurrent symptoms. Methods: This narrative review explores the various management strategies for appendicular abscess. Relevant literature was reviewed to assess the effectiveness of conservative treatment, percutaneous drainage, and surgical interventions, including laparoscopic and interval appendectomy. Results: Conservative management remains the first-line treatment for appendicular abscess, focusing on infection control and symptom relief. The shift towards laparoscopic appendectomy has been observed, with evidence supporting its safety and feasibility. Interval appendectomy, once routinely performed, is now limited to cases with recurrent symptoms, reflecting a change in clinical practice. Conclusion: The management of appendicular abscess has evolved over time, with a growing preference for early laparoscopic intervention in select cases. While conservative treatment remains a viable approach, interval appendectomy is no longer routine. Further studies are needed to refine treatment protocols and optimize patient outcomes.


Appendectomy, Appendicular Abscess, Appendicular Mass, Complicated Appendicitis, Laparoscopic Appendectomy, Percutaneous Drainage


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How to Cite

Rajah, K. H. . (2025). Contemporary Management Strategies for Appendicular Abscess: A Narrative Review. Malaysian Journal of Medical Research (MJMR), 9(1), 22-29.
