Physiological Profiles of Malaysian Young Male Badminton Players, Archers and Non-athletes
Background: This study investigated physiological profiles of Malaysian young male badminton players, archers and non-athlete controls. Methods: Thirty-three young male participants with age ranged 13-18 years were assigned into three groups, i.e. non-athlete control, badminton and archery groups (n=11 per group). All participants performed measurements of anthropometry, body composition, aerobic and Wingate capacities, back and leg strength, vertical jump, standing long jump and hand grip strength, coordination, flexibility and balance. The Post hoc Bonferroni test and One-Way ANOVA were used to assess how the measured parameters varied between the groups. Results: This study found that badminton players had significantly (p<0.05) higher values compared to archers in explosive power measured via standing long jump and vertical jump, balance, coordination, estimated VO2 max, anaerobic power and anaerobic capacity. Similarly, badminton players also had significantly (p<0.05) higher values compared to non-athlete controls in explosive power via standing long jump, balance, coordination and estimated VO2 max. However, there were no significant differences in hand grip strength and back and leg strength in archers compared to non-athlete controls. Conclusion: Badminton players were better than archers in certain physiological aspects. Participation in badminton and archery training seem to improve various physical fitness components compared to non-athletes who were less active and did not carry out formal physical training. The study findings can be used for promoting active lifestyle by engaging in badminton and archery sports and adding new knowledge in the field of sports medicine and sports science.
Archery, Badminton, Non-athletes, Physiological ProfilesDownloads
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