Role of Radiologic Technologist Specialist in Plain Image Interpretation of Adults in the Middle East: A Radiologist’s Perspective
Introduction: Radiologic technologists are medical professionals who perform diagnostic imaging tests such as X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and computed tomography (CT) scans. While image interpretation by radiologic technologists is recognized in some countries, such as the United Kingdom, it remains a controversial issue in the Middle East. This study evaluates the perceptions of radiologists in the Middle East regarding the plain image interpretation of adults by radiologic technologist specialists. Methods: This cross-sectional study employs a quantitative approach. A close-ended questionnaire was distributed to 103 radiologists from various hospitals in Saudi Arabia and Sudan. The data were analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Results: The results showed that 29 percent of participants recognized the role of Radiologic Technologist Specialists (RTS) in writing image reports, while 61 percent did not. Additionally, 38 percent believed that RTS image interpretation could help diagnose previously unreported radiographs. A total of 47 percent responded that allowing RTS to report images could reduce the workload and stress on radiologists, while 37 percent disagreed. Lastly, 43 percent believed that RTS image interpretation could be introduced in the Middle East in the future. Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest that combining image reporting with radiography improves patient care. The results also indicate that delegating image reporting to radiologic technologists may reduce the burden on medical practitioners. Further research is needed in the Middle East to explore and assess the factors related to implementing this practice.
Image Interpretation, Middle East, Radiologic Technologist, RadiologistDownloads
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