The Effect of Temperature Difference in the Same Quarter on Blood Biochemical Levels in Patients with Cerebral Infarction in Northeast China and Hainan
Introduction: The study examines the impact of temperature differences within the same season on blood biochemical levels in cerebral infarction patients in Northeast China and Hainan. To study the effect of temperature differences in the same season on blood biochemical levels in patients with cerebral infarction in Northeast China and Hainan. Methods: A total of 393 patients with cerebral infarction in a certain area of Northeast China and 343 patients with cerebral infarction in a certain area of Hainan were selected from November 2021 to March 2022, and then the general medical history data and blood biochemical test results of patients with cerebral infarction were collected. A binary logistic regression analysis was performed on the data. Results: In the same quarter, there was a significant correlation between cerebral infarction in patients in Northeast China and Hainan (OR = 0.034, p = 0.000). Gender, smoking, drinking, hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart disease, and triglycerides are high risk factors for cerebral infarction. Conclusion: The incidence of cerebral infarction in patients in Northeast China and Hainan was significantly associated within the same quarter.
Blood Biochemical Levels, Cerebral Infarction, SeasonDownloads
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