The objective of present day study was to assess relationship between biomarkers of manganese and neuropsychological effects. Manganese (Mn) is an essential element for many biological functions in human beings. However, overexposure to manganese can causes health problems especially neurotoxicity. Mn accumulates in the brain regions and it cause central nervous system (CNS) abnormality and neuropsychiatric disorder. The respiratory system is the most important way of Mn absorption for workers in Mn related industries. Welders are exposed to relatively high concentrations of manganese and while the neurotoxicity of manganese is well documented, few studies have investigated the cardiac effects of occupational manganese exposures. By examining electrograms (ECG) and heart rate variability (HRV), the cardiac conditions among the welders are clearly determined. Blood, nails, hairs were taken as biomarker. But the most suitable biomarker is hair because of its slow growth rates, less influenced by short term variability of manganese exposure levels.
Manganese, Occupational exposure, Ecocardiogram, Biomarkers, Neuropsychiatric disorderDownloads
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