Gymnastics childbirth is one way to overcome the damage to mobility in the form of puerperal women movements useful to tighten the abdominal muscles that are loose, smooth lochea expenditure and accelerate involution. Interviews with the mother post partum revealed that they have never done physical exercises after childbirth and are rarely mobilized to do gymnastics childbed. The purpose of this study is to see related puerperal gymnastics suplementation of the process of uterine involution in postpartum mother. This research was conducted in September to October with quantitative methods. The instrument used was the observation sheet, and gauges with a population of all mothers who gave birth to normal post partum that meet the criteria with systematic sampling. Out of 20 respondents 10 were obtained who were given treatment gymnastics puerperal uterine involution process that is 80% full speed. While 3 respondents out of the rest 10 who were not given treatment of puerperal gymnastics experienced slow involution that as many as 3 people. The study showed statistically significant outcome at P value of 0,004 and so the alternative hypothesis (Ha) has been accepted. From the result of this study it can be conclude that there is a relationship between the implementation of puerperal gymnastic with the process of uterine involution post partum mother. It may be effective if healthcare institution implement puerperal gymnastic to post partum mother to aid the recovery of the mother after the process of labor and induce less complicatios such as hemorrhaging post partum.
Puerperal Gymnastics, Uterine InvolutionDownloads
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