Introduction: Teacher centered approach is a teaching and learning strategy has been practiced traditionally for long in the classroom. Through this strategy the teacher plays an important role, while the students only act as spectators, the interaction between students and teachers is only one way. Therefore, in this study, the concept mapping notes was added in teaching and learning during classroom teaching. Concept mapping is one method of teaching that encourages students to becomes independent learner, critical thinking and competent in their work.
Methodology: This study was carried out in Kolej Kejururawatan Kubang Kerian (Kelantan), and Kolej Kejururawatan Pulau Pinang. The respondents were selected using sample random sampling. There were 109 respondents. The respondents were given 40 minutes to develop the concept mapping notes.
Results: The activity of the students in the teaching is certainly a positive sign towards achieving their learning. The example of variety concept maps construct by the students shows the highly creative and innovative of the maps.
Conclusion: Students should take responsibility for their own learning. However, that is a role as a educator to choose the best teaching method to makes the learning become meaningful and effective toward the student cognitive structure that will help them to understand about the topic that are taught.
Concept Mapping Notes, Classroom Teaching, Nursing StudentsDownloads
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