Banking line is very necessary for the economical establishment of Pakistan. As in this profession work takes longer duration and also sizeable use of computer therefore neck pain is very common. However still there is lack of researches on this issue related to profession. So, neck pain in bankers was an essential concern. To find out the prevalence of neck pain among banker’s a cross sectional study was conducted in the banks of Lahore. Data was collected by using self-made questionnaire in which 416 candidates participated. Sample size was calculated by Epitool Sample Size Calculator. Descriptive analysis was used which mainly focuses Bar Charts. Inclusion criteria included both gender with neck pain in age 18-55 years `whereas exclusion criteria included any disc prolapsed, trauma sand cervical spondylosis.416 candidates participated; out of which 176 have pain while rest of them has no pain. Their mean ages were 29.85±6.82 years and the mean pain was 4.09±1.509 on VAS (pain rating scale) and their duration of work was 8-12 hours maximum. While the prevalence of neck pain among bankers was 42.4%. The prevalence of neck pain in bankers was 42.4% in which 26.99% in male and 15.42% in female because the data which was collected consist of male compared to female.
Numeric Rating Pain Scale (VAS), Prevalence of Neck Pain, BankersDownloads
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