Blood donation is important for lives saving and the need is unceasing. However, the shortage of blood supply is a common issue. While the public is the main source of blood donation, it is unknown whether they are aware about it. This study was carried out to determine the public’s knowledge, perceptions and barriers towards blood donation. A total of 384 male and female respondents were conveniently selected to participate in this study. Data was collected through self-administered questionnaire and analyzed with SPSS software version 22.0. Most of the respondents (60.9%) had never donated blood but their knowledge towards blood donation was high (79.9%). Some misconceptions were indicated among respondents. Afraid of the needle prick, pain or discomfort were the top barriers among non-donors respondents (45.3%). The majority of the respondents believed that blood donation is a practice or selfless concern for the well-being of others (98.7%). A significant relationship was indicated between age and level of education with status of blood donation (p<0.001). The study highlighted that there is a need to eliminate the misconceptions about blood donation in order to increase the number of blood donors in the future.
Blood donation, Knowledge, Perception, Barrier, MotivationDownloads
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