A Study on The Relationship of Somatotype and Anthropometric Variables with Blood Pressure levels among Urban Adolescents in Howrah District, West Bengal, India
Introduction: Somatotype is depiction of human body build as manifested in configuration of human external morphology and the body shape and body composition can be depicted as it highlights the different components of the body constitution. Findings from some investigations have thrown light on the fact specific somatotype are associated with specific life style diseases. Objective: Keeping above contentions in mind, the present study was carried out among urban Bengali adolescents of West Bengal, India with the following objectives 1. Study the relationship of age and sex variation in somatotype with blood pressure. 2. Assessment of the relationship between the somatotype with hyper and hypotension of the subjects. 3. To ascertain the association of anthropometric variables and somatotype. Methods: The cross-sectional investigation was undertaken to evaluate association of somatotype and anthropometric variables and blood pressure of adolescent boys and girls aged 10 to 17 years. Relationship of somatotype and anthropometric indicators with physiological marker like blood pressure in adolescent boys and girls was investigated. In order to investigate such association, study participants were chosen from two schools of Howrah Municipal Corporation, the district city of Howrah, West Bengal. Descriptive analysis and partial correlation, regression and regression analysis (logistic) were considered for inferential statistics. Results: The mean values of endomorphy, mesomorphy and ectomorphyare found to be higher in boys than girls. Results of partial correlation coefficient of somatotype components with SBP and DBP in boys and girls revealed that both endomorphy and mesomorphy show significant (p<0.01) and positive correlation with both SBP and DBP. Regression analysis using somatotype components showed that all somatotype components are significant (p<0.01) predictors of both SBP and DBP. Conclusion: All anthropometric variables had statistically significant positive association with both SBP and DBP irrespective of sex. Somatotypes were also significantly correlated with blood pressure in both sexes.
Adolescents, Anthropometric Variables, Blood Pressure, Somatotype, VariablesDownloads
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