Implementation of Marketing Mix Strategy on over the Counter (OTC) Drug At Rizki Mahakam Farma 1 Pharmacy, Kota Bangun
Introduction: Pharmacies need to manage marketing activities to support pharmaceutical services to increase consumer satisfaction. Consumer satisfaction can be improved with a marketing mix strategy approach (Marketing Mix). Objective: Determine how consumers respond to rizki mahakam farma 1 pharmacy's marketing mix aspects. Method: This study uses descriptive data analysis and is not experimental. This study's subject is consumer reactions to the marketing mix strategy at rizki mahakam farma one pharmacy, Kota Bangun. The sample for this study consisted of customers who bought medications without a prescription from a doctor (over-the-counter medicines). Results: Consumer response analysis of marketing mix strategies, according to the study results, for consumer reaction products by 4.54, prices of 3.7, locations of 4.58, and promotions of 4.23, all elements are classified as “very good.” The results of the Spearman rank test found no significant relationship between the consumer response to marketing mix strategy (marketing mix). Conclusion: All of these elements fall within the "very good" category, thus we can conclude that they are all excellent.
Pharmacies, Marketing Mix, Response, Kota BangunDownloads
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